Theory Of Early Childhood Development (TECD)


The syllabus is designed to equip students with Early Childhood Development theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to enable them to become competent teachers and caregivers for children 0-8 years in all contexts of development.

The syllabus is designed to equip students with Early Childhood Development theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to enable them to become competent teachers and caregivers for children 0-8 years in all contexts of development.

Learning Areas

Psychology of Education

Psychology Of Early Childhood Development

Psychology constitutes a scientific examination of human conduct and cognitive processes, with a particular emphasis on various facets of human development, theories related to learning, and the theory of motivation.

Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education

Primarily centers on a critical examination of matters related to education. This encompasses the realm of philosophy and its various branches, African Traditional Education, Indigenous knowledge systems, the historical context of education in Zimbabwe, and modern philosophical viewpoints within the field of education.

Sociology of Education

Sociology Of Education

Sociology encompasses the examination of every facet of coexisting and cooperating as a society. This field delves into the realm of education from a sociological standpoint, exploring perspectives, culture, the process of socialization, social hierarchy, and current societal challenges.

Staff Members

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Lecturer In Charge

Mr Name Surname
Email Address

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Head Of Subject (Psychology of Early Childhood Development)

Mrs Name Surname
Email Address

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Head Of Subject (Philosophy of Education)

Mrs Name Surname
Email Address

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Head Of Subject (Sociology of Education)

Mr Name Surname
Email Address

Mrs Name Surname
Mr Name Surname
Mrs Name Surname
Mr Name Surname
Mrs Name Surname
Mr Name Surname
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