Early Childhood Development (ECD)
The Early Childhood Development (ECD) course is designed for a post ‘O’ level student teacher pursuing a three year pre-service course for the Diploma in Education (Primary) with specialisation in Early Childhood Development. The course follows the 3-3-3 teacher education model: first three terms residential phase, three terms practicum and the final three terms residential phase. The course provides fundamentals in Educational Psychology and Inclusive Education, Philosophy of Education and Curriculum Issues and Sociology of Education and Educational Administration.
It also capacitates the student to facilitate learning Mathematics/Science, Expressive Arts, Social Sciences and Language Arts at ECD level. The department also offers the following subjects: National Strategic Studies, Health and Life Skills and Information Communication Technology. The syllabus is intended to equip the student teacher with Early Childhood Development theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to enable him/her to become a competent teacher for learners aged 0-8 years in all contexts of development.
Nature of the Programme

Theory of Education
Theory of Education is the theory that informs practice. This department provides fundamentals which guide the student teacher to establish the link between theory and practice of education. The department comprises three sections namely; Psychology of Education and Inclusive Education, Philosophy of Education and Curriculum Issues, and Sociology of Education and Educational Administration.

Professional Studies Syllabus A (PSA)
PSA is designed to guide the student teacher to general knowledge of school administration and management as well as classroom management and teaching skills.

Professional Studies Syllabus B (PSB)
The syllabi are intended to equip the student with obligatory knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that enable him/her to become a competent teacher in the subjects taught in the primary school.

Professional Studies Syllabus C (PSC)
The syllabus enables the student to carry out a scientific self-reflective enquiry into issues faced during practicum.

Professional Studies Syllabus D (PSD) (NASS, HLS AND ICT)
The subjects are intended to inculcate in the students a deep sense of patriotism, a desire to partake in national development programmes and to preserve the country’s sovereignty. The student is then acquainted with health and life skills which are deemed necessary in the management of school system. The student also equipped with the ICT skills

Main Study
The student can make a choice of a subject of interest from the following ones: ChiShona, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Environmental Science, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education, Religious and Moral Education and Home Economics. The major emphasis is to develop in the student a deeper and wider understanding in the chosen subject.

The teaching practice stint is intended to enable students to practice teaching and caring for children of the age range. The students have a feel of record keeping, class and classroom management, scheming and planning and designing and administering assessment tools.
Head Of Department

Early Childhood Development
Mr. D. Gondo