

The section consists of four subject areas Health and Life Skills, National and Strategic Studies, Religious and Moral Education and Social Studies. Humanities entail the study of human world from a critical perspective and provide an understanding of ethics, morality, ideology, and political forces.

It fosters equality and social justice in society. Democracy can’t be flourished without humanities. It helps to make you a responsible citizen and teaches how to deal logically with complex, subjective, and imperfect information.

Learning Areas


Health & Life Skills

Health and Life Skills is a comprehensive learning area that equips students with essential knowledge and skills to lead healthy, fulfilling lives. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including physical and mental health, personal development, relationships, and practical life skills.


National & Strategic Studies

Develop patriotism, entrepreneurial and life skills as a Zimbabwean citizen.


Religious & Moral Education

Religious and Moral Education is an integral part of the educational experience at Bondolfi Teacher's College. It encompasses the study of religious beliefs, moral values, and ethical principles that guide individuals in their personal and social lives. This learning area is designed to nurture students' spiritual and ethical development, fostering a deep sense of morality, empathy, and a strong moral compass.


Social Studies

Social studies is an important subject that can help students become informed individuals in a variety of areas, such as politics, citizenship, cultural awareness and some general knowledge of world affairs. All this information can teach learners to be more well-rounded individuals as they embark on life after they graduate from college. The study borrows its content from a variety of subjects such as history, geography, sociology, economics, and political science.

Staff Members

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Lecturer In Charge

Mr Name Surname
Email Address

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Head Of Subject (Health & Life Skills)

Mrs Name Surname
Email Address

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Head Of Subject (National & Strategic Studies)

Mrs Name Surname
Email Address

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Head Of Subject (Religious & Moral Education)

Mr Name Surname
Email Address

Mrs Name Surname Mr Name Surname
Mrs Name Surname
Mr Name Surname
Mrs Name Surname
Mr Name Surname
Mrs Name Surname
Mr Name Surname
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